Meet the Journeymen

Tod Bethea
"In the dark of the moon, in flying snow, in the dead of winter, war spreading, families dying, the world in danger, I walk the rocky hillside, throwing clover." – Wendell Berry
In the midst of a rather tumultuous life, I was introduced to agriculture. It brought me a peace that I had not yet found. Working the land and harvesting its bounty gave me a sense of empowerment. In training animals, I learned to work with them instead of forcing my will upon them. My journey took me away from the farm for a few decades but with the irony that so often comes with following God, I ended up where I started. Here at Steadfast Family Farm, I have found where I belong in His plan. It brings me great joy to share it with you.

Taylor Keene
“Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible” - Helen Keller
Horses have been an integral part of my life since I was six years old and truly they continue to impact my life more and more. I am thankful for their abiding honesty, loving loyalty, incomparable companionship, and gracious giving. It is through my transformative relationship with horses that my faith has been impacted, developed, and transfigured. God has taught me through the horse that hope is to trust in the unseen and intangible workings of our Creator and that even in the depth of brokenness all things are possible. Through my relationship with horses God reveals more of His character to me and to others. There is a harmony to be had and I want to share the harmony that comes with delving into a relationship with the Lord and with horses. Thankfully, Steadfast Family Farm cultivates this harmony and through the horses, farm, and family at Steadfast, I have been eternally impacted and I am so thankful to share it with others!

Cheryl Harris
"There's something about the outside of a horse that's good for the inside of a man." -Winston Churchhill
Since meeting Deana and Tod at Steadfast Family Farm, I have been so touched by their character, their desire to serve, and their love for the Lord. I feel that I am a better person for being around and working with them and I am so thankful to be a part of SFF. Although I operate my own horse ministry, our shared faith, style of horsemanship, and passion for our missions have helped both ministries be stronger and more effective as we seek to serve our Lord. I love the way that we can be so helpful to each other so that we are better prepared to care for our horses and serve those the Lord brings to us. It truly is a "God thing!"

Jenn Kozak
“The remarkable thing about God is that when you fear God, you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God, you fear everything else.” -Oswald Chambers
My daughters introduced me to the world of horses. We became friends with Deana and Tod because of horses and ministry, which we are forever grateful. Having horses of our own has revealed what a powerful impact they can have on our lives. I find it a privilege and an answer to prayer to be able to work alongside some fantastic horses and fabulous children at Steadfast Family Farm.

Deana Bethea
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow." -Melody Beattie
In this season of life with grown children and an empty nest, I am learning that thankfulness must come first. I'm incredibly thankful for the job that God has given me in growing the ministry at Steadfast. It is my great honor to share our farm, family, and animals who teach us much about the power within ourselves, peace regardless of circumstances, and joy from acceptance and a sense of belonging.

Lindy Harrell
“ For I know the plans that I have for you...plans for welfare and not for calamity, to give you a future and a hope” - Jeremiah 29:11
I am the oldest of 4 children raised on family land in Southwest Georgia. Our grandfather started a poultry farm after the depression and my dad and uncle taught all of their children the farm work. We did everything from gathering eggs to keeping the books and even writing our own checks for hours worked. We had cows and pigs as well as many chicken houses. I grew up reading a lot, and my favorite material was about horses and cowhands. At age 10 I begged my dad for a horse. He got me a welsh paint named Ginger. Later I mowed grass to earn money to buy a beautiful palamino who happened to be pregnant with a filly. As a 16 year old, I was ecstatic. My horses became my best friends and I spent many hours riding through the woods when I wasn't working or going to school.
I am happy to share my knowledge of horses and farm work with our apprentices at Steadfast. I feel a good work ethic is a necessity for a productive life. God has been very good to me and anything I have or know is attributed to His great love.

Hannah Kozak
“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
I have worked with horses for several years. Only until recently, I was not using my horsemanship skills and participate in a ministry. I have felt a burden on my heart to serve others, but I didn’t know where to begin. Before I came to Steadfast, I was able to be a part of another ministry group led by Deana Bethea. She helped implement the possibility of using horses to help with our call to disciple others. I am so happy to be a part of this current ministry!

Mikhayla Riegel
“Old enough to comprehend but young enough to dream.” -Levi the Poet
As a recent graduate of Toccoa Falls College, life is a whirlwind of identity confusion as I attempt to find my place in the “real world” outside of the bubble of educational institutions. I firmly believe that the Lord placed me at Steadfast this last year of college because He knew that I would need the very joy, peace, empowerment, and belonging that we offer to all of those who encounter our family. I am not a stranger to the trials and tribulations of this world, and neither are the rest of the Steadfast family (both people and animals alike). I am old enough to comprehend the reality of this fallen world; and yet I am young enough to dream, to seek the abundant life in Christ, to see the potential of redemption that is revealed through the cracks that pain causes. Steadfast is a place that not only allows me to help others brings their dreams to life, it helps me to bring to life my own.

Joshua Lillie
info to come
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